3 results
Katayama Fever - Physical examination and diagnostic testing revealed multiple small papules on the trunk (Panel
#Clinical #Radiology ... #InfectiousDisease ... #CXR #Schistosomiasis ... KatayamaFever #Rash ... #NEJM
Eagle’s Syndrome - Computed tomography revealed two elongated styloid processes with ossification of the stylohyoid ligaments
syndrome is a rare clinical ... #Clinical #ENT # ... Radiology #CT #Eagle ... StylohyoidOssification #NEJM
Glucagonoma-Associated Rash - The rash involved the arms, genitals, and buttocks and had progressed to the
- The rash involved ... resolve (Panel D) #Clinical ... #HONC #Derm #Pathology ... #Radiology #Glucagonoma ... #CT #NEJM