5 results
Decompression Sickness - The physical examination revealed diffuse violaceous skin mottling over his trunk and arms
#Clinical #Derm ... #EM #Radiology # ... #Pneumatosis #CT ... #NEJM
Disseminated Cutaneous Blastomycosis- A fungal culture of skin tissue was negative; however, a skin biopsy showed
Disseminated Cutaneous ... of disseminated cutaneous ... #clinical #photo ... #derm #NEJM #cutaneous
Cutaneous Actinomycosis - the left knee was noted to have edema, erythema, hyperpigmentation, hyperkeratinization, and several
Cutaneous Actinomycosis ... organism (Panel C) #Clinical ... #Derm #Pathology ... #Rash #Cutaneous ... SplendoreHoeppli #Microscopy #NEJM
Glucagonoma-Associated Rash - The rash involved the arms, genitals, and buttocks and had progressed to the
- The rash involved ... resolve (Panel D) #Clinical ... #HONC #Derm #Pathology ... #Microscopy #CT ... #NEJM
Evolution of Purpura Fulminans - On physical examination, he had small purpura on his legs (Panel
(Panel B), and signs ... #Clinical #Derm ... #EM #IM #PurpuraFulminans ... Meningococcemia #NEJM