40 results
Quincke’s Pulse in Severe Aortic Regurgitation 

- ClinicalProblemSolvers

#Quinckes #Pulse #NailBed #Nails #severe #AR #AorticRegurgitation #Clinical #PhysicalExam
Quinckes #Pulse #NailBed
Embolic manifestations of endocarditis - Splinter hemorrhages - nail bed hemorrhages not extending the length of
#Photo #Nails #Nailbed
Nail Anatomy
#Anatomy #Fingernail #Nailbed #Eponychium #Hyponychium #GerminalMatrix #Lunula
Anatomy #Fingernail #Nailbed
Nail Anatomy
#Anatomy #Fingernail #Nailbed #Eponychium #Hyponychium #GerminalMatrix #Lunula
Anatomy #Fingernail #Nailbed
Quincke's Pulse in Severe Aortic Regurgitation

Little physical exam finding for the end of the week! Quinke’s
#Fingernails #Nailbed
The value of point-of-care ultrasound for detecting nail bed injury in [the] ED

American Journal of Emergency
100), +LR 59 #Nailbed
Nail Bed Repair
Suture the nail bed if a large subungual hematoma is associated with an unstable
Clinical #Photo #Nailbed
Onycholysis: Separation of nail from underlying bed. Frequently secondary to onychomycosis,
though can also be related to:
#Onycholysis #Nailbed
Subungual Hematoma on POCUS

Q: This patient presented with thumb pain. What is your best management option?
Hematoma #Fingernail #Nailbed
Quincke's Pulse in a patient with a normal echocardiogram (non-valvular)

A 70 y/o man presents with new
#Fingernails #Nailbed