288 results
Approaches to Evaluating Kidney Disease in Patients with HIV Infection #Pathophys #Nephro #IM #HIV #CKD #AKI
HIV Infection #Pathophys ... #Nephro #IM #HIV
Main types of organ-specific injuries after an electric shock #Diagnosis #Pathophys #EM #Burn #IM #ElectricShock #ElectricalInjury
shock #Diagnosis #Pathophys ... #EM #Burn #IM #
Catecholamine Vasopressor Effect Sites and Indications #Pathophys #Management #EM #IM #PCC #Catecholamine #Comparison #Table #Epi #Norepi
and Indications #Pathophys ... Management #EM #IM
Mechanisms of Lower Extremity Edema: #Diagnosis #Pathophys #EM #IM #Edema #Lower #LowerExtremity #Causes #Starling #Oncotic #Hydrostatic
Edema: #Diagnosis #Pathophys ... #EM #IM #Edema
Nebulized Tranexamic Acid for acute treatment of stable hemoptysis 

- Mike O'Brien

#Pharmacology #EBM #Management #Dosing #Pathophys
Management #Dosing #Pathophys ... #NebulizedTXA #
Pathyophysiology - hyperglycemic crises in patients with diabetes 
Key signs/symptoms of HHS/DKA:
Both: Polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss,
coma, seizure) #Pathophys ... #EM #IM #Endo #
Pathophys - COPD
#Pathophysiology #COPD #Emphysema #ChronicBronchitis #PinkPuffer #BlueBloater
Pathophys - COPD
Pathophysiology of Hepatorenal Syndrome - Dilation of splanchnic arteries initially compensated by increased CO eventually decompensates
#Pathophys #Nephro ... #IM #HepatorenalSyndrome
Paediatric inguinal hernia #Pathophys #Anatomy #Peds #InguinalHernia #Hydrocele #ScrotalDescent #ProcessusVaginalis #TunicaVaginalis #BMJ
inguinal hernia #Pathophys
Pathogenesis and features of the refeeding syndrome.
#Pathophys #Nutrition #RefeedingSyndrome
#Pathophys #Nutrition