168 results
Eating disorders: Initial assessment in primary care #Management #PrimaryCare #Endo #EatingDisorders #Anorexia #Bulimia #Nervosa #BMJ
Anorexia #Bulimia #Nervosa
MARSIPAN  (Management of the Really Sick Patient with Anorexia Nervosa) Guidelines #Management #EM #PrimaryCare #MARSIPAN
with Anorexia Nervosa ... AnorexiaNervosa #Anorexia #Nervosa
MARSIPAN checklist - for Really Sick Patients with Anorexia Nervosa

#Diagnosis #Management #MARSIPAN #Checklist #Anorexia #Nervosa #Assessment
with Anorexia Nervosa ... Checklist #Anorexia #Nervosa
Sinus Bradycardia in Anorexia Nervosa

The following ECG is from an 18 yr old female who presents
Bradycardia in Anorexia Nervosa ... Bradycardia #Anorexia #Nervosa
Check out this cranial nerves #chart for #assessment in nursing! Assessment of the cranial nerves provides
out this cranial nerves ... of the cranial nerves ... the patient’s nervous ... are 12 cranial nerves
Peripheral Nervous System Disorders

1 Anterior Horn Cell
2 Spinal Roots and Nerves 
3 Peripheral Nerve—Mono-neuropathy  
Peripheral Nervous ... Spinal Roots and Nerves
Cranial Nerves - Anatomy Mnemonic

By @rev.med

#Cranial #Nerves #Anatomy #Mnemonic #Neurology #neuroanatomy
Cranial Nerves - ... rev.med #Cranial #Nerves
Larynx and Thyroid Nerves - Innervation Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Larynx #Thyroid #Nerves #Innervation #Anatomy #otolaryngology
Larynx and Thyroid Nerves ... Larynx #Thyroid #Nerves
Cutaneous Nerves of the Arm and Hands - Innervation Dermatomes

By @rev.med

#Cutaneous #Nerves #Arm #Hands #Innervation #Dermatomes
Cutaneous Nerves ... rev.med #Cutaneous #Nerves
Major dermatomes and cutaneous nerves - Anterior and Posterior Views

#Diagnosis #Anatomy #Dermatomes #Dermatomal #Nerves #Roots #Cutaneous
and cutaneous nerves ... Dermatomes #Dermatomal #Nerves