5884 results
Differential Diagnosis of Fever in the Returning Traveler 
Differential Diagnosis ... Returning Traveler #Netter
The first three letters refer to chamber paced, chamber sensed, and response to sensed events. The
The first three letters ... The fourth letter ... The fifth letter
#Netters #Sarcoidosis #CXR #Histology
Sarcoidosis #Netters
Ossification centers of the elbow - CRITOE Mnemonic 

The ages at which these ossification centers appear
Ossification centers ... these ossification centers ... epicondyle #Diagnosis
Elbow Ossification Centers by Age - CRITOE Mnemonic

The ages at which these ossification centers appear are
Elbow Ossification Centers ... these ossification centers ... epicondyle #Diagnosis
"Recommended laboratory HIV testing algorithm for serum or plasma specimens. Based on: Centers for Disease Control
Based on: Centers ... Testing for the Diagnosis ... Testing #HIV #CDC #Diagnosis
Antiretroviral Medication Names and 3-Letter Abbreviations by Class

Paul E. Sax, MD

#Antiretroviral #Medication #Names #Classification #HAART #Classes
Medication Names and 3-Letter
Lead aVR on EKG
Lead aVR can provide some unique insight into 5 different conditions:

 - Acute
criteria (possibly better ... Brugada criteria) #Diagnosis
SMART-COP predicts people with CAP who will require admission to intensive care requiring ventillatory or vasopressor
It does so better ... #Diagnosis #Pneumonia
X-ray limitations
It’s important to know the limitations of X-rays so we can correctly interpret them in
, and consider better ... #Diagnosis #Radiology