Neurology - Library of Neurological Physical Exam Video Clips
A searchable collection of neurology physical exam video clips and infographics.  Use these video clips at the bedside to teach medical trainees important aspects of the neurology physical exam.

#Meningitis on Physical Exam
 • #Brudzinski - Brudzinski's Sign
 • #Kernig - Kernig's Sign
 • #Nuchal - Nuchal Rigidity
 • #Opisthotonos - Opisthotonos

#Tremors on Physical Exam:
 • #Archimedes - Archimedes Spiral for Tremor Assessment
 • #Asterixis - Asterixis (Hand, Leg)
 • #Dystonic - Dystonic Tremor
 • #Essential - Essential tremor
 • #Orthostatic - Orthostatic tremor
 • #Palatal - Palatal tremor
 • #Pill - Pill-Rolling tremor
 • #Postural - Postural tremor
 • #Propofol - Propofol Frenzy
 • #Resting - Resting tremor
 • #Tongue - Tongue tremor
 • #Wing - Wing beating tremor in #Wilsons Disease

#Gait on Physical Exam:
 • #Apraxic - Apraxic Gait
 • #Ataxic - Ataxic Gait
 • #Choreiform - Choreiform Gait
 • #CrissCross - Criss-Cross Gait
 • #Festinating - Festinating Gait
 • #Hemiplegic - Hemiplegic Gait
 • #HighStepping - Foot drop
 • #Magnetic - Magnetic Gait
 • #Myopathic - Myopathic Gait
 • #Parkinsons - Parkinson's Gait
 • #PED - Paroxysmal Exercise‐induced Dyskinesia
 • #Scissor - Scissor Gait
 • #Tandem - Tandem Gait Apraxia 

#Movement Disorders:
 • #Athetosis - Athetosis
 • #Ballismus - Ballismus
 • #Catalepsy - Catalepsy
 • #Chorea - Chorea
 • #DDQ - Dancing Dorsal Quadrilaterals
 • #Dyskinesia - Dyskinesia
 • #Dystonia - Dystonia
 • #Dystonicus - Status Dystonicus
 • #Hemiballismus - Hemiballismus
 • #Hemichorea - Hemichorea
 • #Myoclonus - Myoclonus (#Action, #Laryngeal, #Multifocal, #Palatal, #Periodic)#Pseudoathetosis - Pseudoathetosis
 • #Sydenham - Sydenham Chorea
 • #Tardive - Tardive Dyskinesia

#Seizures on Physical Exam:
 • #Absence - Absence seizure
 • #Generalized - Generalized seizure
 • #Hyperventilation - Hyperventilation Test to Induce Seizure
 • #Partial - Partial seizure

#Reflex - Reflexes on Physical Exam:
 • #Abdominal - Cutaneous Abdominal Reflex
 • #Ankle - Ankle (Achilles) Reflex
 • #Brachioradialis (Supinator Reflex)
 • #Corneomandibular - Corneomandibular (#Wartenberg) Reflex
 • #Cremasteric - Cremasteric Reflex
 • #Glabellar - Glabellar Reflex (#Myersons Tap Sign)
 • #Grasp - Grasp Reflex
 • #Hyperreflexia - Hyperreflexia
 • #JawJerk - Jaw-Jerk Reflex
 • #Lazarus - Lazarus Sign / Reflex 
 • #Patellar - Patellar Reflex
 • #Orbicularis - Orbicularis Reflex
 • #Primitive - Primitive Reflexes (Moro, Galant, Landau, etc)
 • #Pyramidal - Pyramidal Reflexes (Babinski and Equivalents)
 • #Snout - Snout Reflex
 • #Startle - Startle Reflex
 • #Supinator - Supinator, Inverted Supinator Reflex
 • #TFR - Triple Flexion Reflex
 • #Triceps - Triceps Reflex
 • #Umbilical - Umbilical Reflex

#Pyramidal Signs (Upper Motor Neuron disease) on Physical Exam:
 • Upper Limb 
     •  #Hoffmann - Hoffmann Reflex
     •  #Tromner - Tromner Reflex
     •  #Wartenberg - Wartenberg Thumb Reflex
 • Lower Limb
     • #Babinski - Babinski Reflex 
     •  #Bings - Bing's Reflex
     •  #Chaddocks - Chaddock's Sign
     •  #Cornells - Cornell's Sign 
     •  #Gondas - Gonda's Sign
     •  #Gordons - Gordon's Sign
     •  #Oppenheims - Oppenheim's Sign
     •  #Rossolimos - Rossolimo's Reflex
     •  #Schaeffers - Schaeffer's Sign
     •  #Stranskys - Stransky's Sign
     •  #Throckmortons - Throckmorton's Reflex

#Cerebellar Dysfunction and #Proprioception on Physical Exam:
 • #Ataxia - Ataxia
 • #Dysmetria - Dysmetria
 • #Dysdiadochokinesia - Dysdiadochokinesia
 • #Heel - Heel-to-shin test
 • #Romberg - Romberg Test

Cranial Nerve Physical Exam Findings:
 • #CN3 - #Oculomotor Nerve
 • #CN4 - #Trochlear Nerve
 • #CN5 - #Trigeminal Nerve
 • #CN6 - #Abducens Nerve
 • #CN7 - #Facial Nerve
 • CN8 - Vestibulocochlear Nerve
 • CN9 - Glossopharyngeal Nerve
 • CN10 - Vagus Nerve
 • CN11 - Accessory Nerve
 • #CN12 - #Hypoglossal Nerve

#Ocular Exam - #Pupillary, #Nystagmus, #Ophthalmoplegia, #Eyelid#Adies - Adie’s Tonic Pupil
 • #Argyll - Argyll-Robertson Pupil
 • #BINO - Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
 • #Convergence - Convergence Insufficiency, Convergence-Retraction Nystagmus
 • #Dipping - Ocular Dipping
 • #Downbeat - Downbeat Nystagmus
 • #Eyelid#Apraxia - Eyelid Apraxia
     • #Floppy - Floppy Eyelid Syndrome
 • #Flutter - Ocular Flutter
 • #Hippus - Hippus
 • #Horners - Horner's Syndrome
 • #Nutans - Spasmus Nutans
 • #OMA - Oculomotor Apraxia
 • #Opsoclonus - Opsoclonus
 • #Pendular - Pendular Nystagmus
 • #PAG - Periodic Alternating Gaze
 • #Ptosis - Ptosis
 • #Pulsion - Ocular Pulsion 
 • #RAPD - Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect
 • #Rotatory - Rotatory Nystagmus
 • #Vertical - Vertical Nystagmus
 • #WEBINO - Wall-eyed bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia 

#BPPV and #Vertigo#Brandt - Brandt Daroff Maneuver
 • #Dix - Dix-Hallpike Maneuver
 • #Epley - Epley Maneuver
 • #Foster - Foster Maneuver
 • #HINTS - HINTS Exam for Diagnosing Posterior Circulation Stroke
 • #Semont - Semont Liberatory Maneuver

Other Neurological Physical Exam Findings and Signs:
 • #9HPT - Nine-Hole Peg Test for Finger Dexterity
 • #ACAM - Acute Cerebellar Ataxia and Myoclonus
 • #Alien - Alien Limb Syndrome
 • #ALS - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
 • #Apraxia - Apraxia
 • #Ataxia - Ocular, Gait
 • #Atrophy - Atrophy
 • #Barrel - Man in the Barrel Syndrome
 • #Beevors - Beevor's Sign
 • #Bells - Bell's Phenomenon, Bell's Palsy
 • #Belly - Belly Dancer's Syndrome
 • #Blepharospasm - Blepharospasm
 • #Brocas - Broca's Aphasia
 • #Candy - Candy Sign (Neurosyphilis)
 • #Cataplexy - Cataplexy
 • #CIDP - Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
 • #Clonus - Clonus of the Wrist, Ankle, Jaw, Patella
 • #Curtain - Curtain Sign (Myasthenia)
 • #Drop - Foot drop, Wrist drop
 • #Eastchester - Eastchester Clapping Sign (#Hemineglect)
 • #Fasciculations - Fasciculations
 • #Flutter - Post-Hypoxic Spinal Flutter
 • #FSHD - Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy
 • #Functional - Functional Disorder Testing
 • #Gowers - Gower's Sign in #Duchenne Muscular #Dystrophy#Graphesthesia - Graphesthesia (recognize writing by touch)
 • #Half - One and a Half Syndrome
 • #Hemianesthesia - Functional Hemianesthesia 
 • #Hemifacial - Hemifacial Spasm 
 • #Hemimasticatory - Hemimasticatory Spasm 
 • #Hemineglect - Hemineglect
 • #Hoovers - Hoover's Sign for functional hemiparesis
 • #Hydrophobia - Hydrophobia (#Rabies)
 • #IgLON5 - Anti-IgLON5 Encephalitis
 • #Infantile - Infantile Spasms
 • #Interosseous - Interosseous Peripheral Nerve Injury
 • #LMR - Leg Motor Restlessness
 • #Locked - Locked-In Syndrome
 • #LSTIA - Limb-Shaking Transient Ischemic Attack
 • #Marcus - Marcus Gunn Phenomenon, Marcus Gunn Pupil
 • #Meige - Meige Syndrome
 • #MFS - Miller Fisher Syndrome
 • #Milkmaids - Milkmaids Grip (Chorea)
 • #Mirror - Mirror Movements
 • #Myasthenia - Myasthenia Gravis
 • #Myoedema - Myoedema
 • #Myotonia - Myotonia
 • #Myokymia - Myokymia
 • #Myorhythmia - Oculoskeletal, Oculomasticatory Myorhythmias
 • #Neuromyotonia - Neuromyotonia 
 • #Nonaka - Nonaka Myopathy
 • #NPH - Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
 • #Nystagmus - Nystagmus 
 • #OMAS - Opsoclonus Myoclonus Ataxia Syndrome
 • #OMD - Oromandibular Dyskinesia
 • #Opisthotonus - Opisthotonus
 • #PLMT - Painful Legs and Moving Toes (PLMT) Syndrome
 • #Parkinsons - Parkinson's Disease 
 • #Pisa - Pisa Syndrome
 • #Polyminimyoclonus - Polyminimyoclonus (#Minipolymyoclonus)
 • #Pronator - Pronator Drift
 • #PSP - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
 • #Satellite - Satellite Sign
 • #Simultagnosia - Simultagnosia
 • #Spasm - Spasms
 • #Stereognosis - Stereognosis (recognize objects by touch)
 • #String - String test in Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (WKS)
 • #Sydenham - Sydenham Chorea
 • #Tourette - Tourette Syndrome
 • #Wartenbergs - Wartenberg's Sign, Corneomandibular Reflex, Thumb Reflex
 • #Winged - Winged Scapula

myasthenia tremor bppv facial meningitis reflex hypoglossal horners babinski hints rapd gait clonus brudzinski trigeminal primitive nystagmus dyskinesia chorea als pyramidal fasciculation cerebellar romberg kernig
2943 results
Uremic Asterixis on Physical Exam

Dr. Arvind Canchi @arvindcanchi

#Uremia #Asterixis #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #neurology #nephrology
Uremia #Asterixis #PhysicalExam ... clinical #video #neurology ... #nephrology
Dematome map in prone / bent position. 

#neurology #physicalexam #dermatome #nerves #distribution #prone
#neurology #physicalexam
Jaw-Jerk Reflex Clonus in ALS

- Neurology Pro - A DDx Tool @ProDdx

#JawJerk #Jaw #Jerk #Reflex #Clonus
Clonus in ALS - Neurology ... clinical #video #neurology ... lateral #sclerosis #PhysicalExam
Hand Myotonia on Physical Exam

#Hand #Myotonia #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #neurology
Hand #Myotonia #PhysicalExam ... clinical #video #neurology
Hydrophobia in Rabies

#Hydrophobia #Rabies #clinical #video #physicalexam #neurology
clinical #video #physicalexam ... #neurology
Brudzinski's Sign on Physical Exam - Meningitis

#Brudzinskis #Sign #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #neurology #peds #pediatrics #meningitis
Brudzinskis #Sign #PhysicalExam ... clinical #video #neurology
Right sided hemichorea from left thalamic bleed

- Dr Supradip Ghosh @dr_supradip

#hemichorea #physicalexam #clinical #video #neurology #chorea
#hemichorea #physicalexam ... clinical #video #neurology
Abnormal (Positive, Upgoing) Babinski Sign on Physical Exam

#Abnormal #Positive #Babinski #Sign #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #reflex #pyramidal
Babinski #Sign #PhysicalExam ... reflex #pyramidal #neurology
Pronator Drift (Pyramidal Drift) on Physical Exam


#Pronator #Drift #Pyramidal #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #neurology #cva #stroke
Drift #Pyramidal #PhysicalExam ... clinical #video #neurology
Dysmetria on Physical Exam

Evidence of cerebellar dysfunction.

#Dysmetria #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #neurology #cerebellum
#Dysmetria #PhysicalExam ... clinical #video #neurology