3 results
Infant of a Diabetic Mother - complications - pathophysiology learning schema
Information source: UpToDate

#Infant #Diabetic #Mother #Pediatrics
Diabetic Mother - complications ... #Neonatology #IDM ... Pathophysiology #Maternal #Complications ... #Peds #Newborn
gestational diabetes algorithm
#Infant #Diabetic #Mother #Pediatrics #Neonatology #IDM #NICU #OBGYN #Diagnosis #Pathophysiology #Maternal #Complications #Peds #Newborn
gestational diabetes algorithm ... #Neonatology #IDM ... Pathophysiology #Maternal #Complications ... #Peds #Newborn
Preoperative Risk Evaluation

Major Pre-Op Questions:
1. Does the patient have any modifiable risk factors that could be
adverse events or complications ... Insulin dependent DM ... event, follow ACC algorithm ... Cataract Plan for Meds