31 results
Blanching Spider Angioma (Nevus) on Physical Exam

#Spider #Angioma #nevus #telangiectasia #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #dermatology #skin #blanching
Spider Angioma (Nevus ... Spider #Angioma #nevus
Blue nevus 
 - Dark blue-gray macule or papule 
 - Well-circumscribed 
 - Melanin localized
Blue nevus - Dark ... scalp #Blue #Nevus
Becker Nevus: Benign idiopathic condition with characteristic pebbling of the skin and hair growth within the
Becker Nevus: Benign ... SkinRash #Becker #Nevus
Nevus of Ota on Ocular Exam (Ocular Dermal Melanosis)

Benign melanosis in the distribution of the trigeminal
Nevus of Ota on ... #Nevus #Ota #Ocular
Nevus araneus Aka spider angioma

#spidernevi #angioma #cirrhosis #liverdisease #spiderangioma #dermatology #skin #clinical #diagnosis
Nevus araneus Aka
VExUS - Venous Excess Ultrasound Score 

The Venous Excess UltraSound (VExUS) grading system prototypes combining inferior
VExUS - Venous Excess ... Excess UltraSound (VExUS ... 020-00163-w #VExUS
Traumatic intracranial injury in intoxicated patients with minor head trauma.
Visual Abstract by Dr. David Cisewski @dhcisewski
Head Rule and NEXUS ... Canadian #HeadCT #Nexus
A NEXUS Chest Rule has been developed to help limit overutilization of imaging and radiation exposure
A NEXUS Chest Rule ... Management #Trauma #Nexus
Lancisi's sign in Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation - Physical Exam
Note the large systolic jugular venous wave caused
S-reversal on hepatic VExUS
Caruncle Nevus - Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Caruncle #Nevus #Ocular #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #ophthalmology
Caruncle Nevus - ... #Caruncle #Nevus