150 results
Amlodipine - calcium channel blocker for the treatment of hypertension and CAD. 5th most prescribed drug
Pharmacology #Amlodipine #Norvasc ... CalciumChannelBlocker #CCB #Overview
#Management #Peds #Workup #Overview #SickleCellAnemia #PEMSource
#Management #Peds ... #Workup #Overview
Pyloric Stenosis - peminfographics.com
#Diagnosis #PatientInfo #Peds #Pediatrics #PyloricStenosis #Symptoms #Overview #Mnemonic
#PatientInfo #Peds ... PyloricStenosis #Symptoms #Overview
SCARLET FEVER - Tessa Davis @TessaRDavis

#PatientInfo #Diagnosis #Management #Peds #Pediatrics #ScarletFever #Overview
Diagnosis #Management #Peds ... #ScarletFever #Overview
Neonatal Sepsis: A Brief Visual Guide

#Diagnosis #Management #Peds #Pediatrics #Neonatal #Sepsis #Overview
Diagnosis #Management #Peds ... Neonatal #Sepsis #Overview
Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN)
#Peds #Pediatrics #ChildAbuse #SCAN #Neglect #Suspected #Screening #Overview
Neglect (SCAN) #Peds ... Suspected #Screening #Overview
#Diagnosis #Management #PE #PulmonaryEmbolism #Overview #Algorithm
PulmonaryEmbolism #Overview ... #Algorithm
Gram Positive Bacteria Overview Identification Algorithm #Diagnosis #Microbiology #GramPositive #Bacteria #Identification #Differential #Algorithm #Catalase #Coagulase #Optichin
Positive Bacteria Overview ... Identification Algorithm ... #Differential #Algorithm
Gram Negative Bacteria Overview Identification Algorithm #Diagnosis #Microbiology #GramNegative #Bacteria #Identification #Differential #Algorithm #Oxidase #Lactose #Urease
Negative Bacteria Overview ... Identification Algorithm ... #Differential #Algorithm
This brilliant summary of Kawasaki Disease comes from @DrCharlie19 - a Paediatric Registar based in London

Management #Workup #Peds ... Kawasaki #Disease #Overview