1018 results
Tinel's Test for Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Perform a Tinel's over the tarsal tunnel, attempting to reproduce pain,
reproduce pain, numbness ... video #sports #msk
Tinel's Test in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Perform a Tinel's test by tapping over the carpal tunnel.
Reproduction of
Reproduction of pain, numbness ... video #sports #msk
Cauda Equina Syndrome
 • Large lumbar degenerative disc herniation (central)
 • Severe lumbar spondylosis
 • Neoplasm
in both legs (numbness ... CaudaEquina #Syndrome #MSK
Costoclavicular Maneuver for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

To perform the Costoclavicular Maneuver, draw the patient's shoulders inferiorly and
of arm pain or numbness ... video #sports #msk
Approach to Joint Pain - Diagnostic Framework

1) Chronicity
2) Inflammatory vs Non-Inflammatory
3) Number of Joints Involved

1) Chronicity:
Non-Inflammatory 3) Number ... Number of Joints ... #Joint #Pain #MSK
Tinel's Test of the Ulnar Nerve

Perform a Tinel's at the cubital tunnel by percussing the ulnar
recreate pain, numbness ... video #sports #msk
Ulnar Compression Test - Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome

The ulnar compression test evaluates for ulnar tunnel syndrome.
Provide direct
Pain or numbness ... video #sports #msk
Roos' Test for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

To perform the Roos' Test abduct the shoulders to 90 degrees,
reproduction of pain or numbness ... video #vascular #msk
Roos' Test for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Roos' Test - abduct the shoulders to 90 degrees, flex the
reproduction of pain or numbness ... video #vascular #msk
Carpal Compression Test for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The carpal compression test evaluates for carpal tunnel syndrome.
Provide direct
Reproduction of pain, numbness ... video #sports #msk