202 results
Atopy and Antiallergy Therapy

#Atopy #Antiallergy #Therapy #Pathophysiology #Allergy #Omalizumab
Atopy and Antiallergy ... Therapy #Atopy ... Pathophysiology #Allergy #Omalizumab
Post-abortion Hemorrhage Management Algorithm
Cervical laceration
 → Direct pressure, silver nitrate for small laceration
 → Repair with
controlled Uterine atony ... while obtaining OBGYN ... Algorithm #obstetrics #obgyn
NAACP mnemonic for the major causes of Eosinophilia 
N = Neoplasia (CML, Hodgkins lymphoma) 
A =
A = Allergy / Atopy
Assessment and Treatment of Severe Asthma, According to Inflammatory Phenotypes, in Patients without a Response to
Eligibility for omalizumab
Endometriosis - initial management #Management #Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #Obgyn #Endometriosis #InitialManagement #NICE #BMJ
#PrimaryCare #Obgyn
The Causes of Per Vaginal Bleeding

#Vaginal #Bleeding #Differential #Causes #Diagnosis #OBGyn #Gynecology
Causes #Diagnosis #OBGyn
hCG levels during pregnancy #pregnancy #obgyn #diagnosis #hCG
pregnancy #pregnancy #obgyn
The infant with tachypnea or wheeze - Clinical Conditions to Consider
 - Bronchiolitis 
 - Pneumonia
history of allergy/atopy
REBEL Review 95: Treatment of Eclampsia 

#eclampsia #management #obgyn #hypertension #treatment #medications #obstetrics
eclampsia #management #obgyn
gestational diabetes algorithm
#Infant #Diabetic #Mother #Pediatrics #Neonatology #IDM #NICU #OBGYN #Diagnosis #Pathophysiology #Maternal #Complications #Peds #Newborn
Neonatology #IDM #NICU #OBGYN ... Management #Obstetrics #OBGyn ... Screening #obstetrics #obgyn