2208 results
Left Atrial Myxoma Resection - Open Heart Surgery


#Atrial #Myxoma #Resection #clinical #video #intraoperative #thoracic
Myxoma Resection - Open ... Resection #clinical #video
Open Pneumothorax - Sucking Penetrating Chest Wound
"SUCKING CHEST WOUND" - the term for penetrating trauma (likely
Open Pneumothorax ... the_resuscitationist #Open ... Wound #clinical #video
Left ventricular aneurysm seen during open heart surgery 


#Left #ventricular #aneurysm #LV #Intraoperative #Thoracic
aneurysm seen during open ... CTS #clinical #video
Left ventricular aneurysm seen during open heart surgery 

A large fibrotic area marks the ischemic region,
aneurysm seen during open ... CTS #clinical #video
Aortic root aneurysm seen during open heart surgery

Dr. Kazi Ferdous @fazalabul

#AorticRoot #Aneurysm #Aorta #Clinical #Video #OpenHeart
aneurysm seen during open ... Aorta #Clinical #Video
Left Atrial Myxoma Resection - Open Heart Surgery


#Atrial #Myxoma #Resection #clinical #video #intraoperative #thoracic
Myxoma Resection - Open ... Resection #clinical #video
Risus Sardonicus on Physical Exam

Inability to open his mouth due to tetanus infection

#Risus #Sardonicus #PhysicalExam #clinical
Inability to open ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Open Pneumothorax on Physical Exam

- Dr. Dinesh Bagaria @docbagaria

Sizable chest wall defect! Amazing to see lung
Open Pneumothorax ... #Open #Pneumothorax ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Left Atrial Appendage Aneurysm - Thoracic Surgery

37 year old with palpitations and syncope 

Dr. Ahmad Masri
CTS #clinical #open ... #video #intraoperative
Thumb Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) Joint Injection

Pull thumb to open joint space. Go lateral or medial whichever side
Pull thumb to open ... steroid #clinical #video