52 results
Diabetic foot: Primary care assessment and monitoring #Management #PrimaryCare #Podiatry #DiabeticFoot #Diabetes #Foot #Risk #Screening #BMJ
Diabetes #Foot #Risk #Screening ... #BMJ
Managing long term side effects of chemotherapy #Management #Peds #Honc #Chemotherapy #SideEffects #Screening #Monitoring #BMJ
#SideEffects #Screening ... #Monitoring #BMJ
Thoughts of suicide - initial assessment #Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #Pysch #Suicide #Assessment #Screening #BMJ
Suicide #Assessment #Screening ... #BMJ
Faltering growth in children: summary of NICE guidance #Screening #Management #Peds #PrimaryCare #Underweight #Infants #FalteringGrowth #FailureToThrive
NICE guidance #Screening ... FailureToThrive #BMJ
Sequelae of HPV infection and preventive strategies #Pathophys #PrimaryCare #Obgyn #HPV #Pathogenesis #Screening #Prevention #BMJ
#Pathogenesis #Screening ... #Prevention #BMJ
Psychotic disorders: Identification and management #Management #Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #Psych #Psychosis #Differential #Overview #PsychoticDisorders #BMJ
Psych #Psychosis #Differential ... PsychoticDisorders #BMJ
Algorithm for the Evaluation of the Red Eye #Diagnosis #EM #Ophtho #Red #Eye #RedEye #Differential #Algorithm
Diagnosis #EM #Ophtho ... #Eye #RedEye #Differential
Keratoconus #Clinical #Ophth #PeakedCornea #Keratoconus #BMJ
Keratoconus #Clinical #Ophth ... #Keratoconus #BMJ
Algorithm for the Evaluation and Localization of Diplopia #Diagnosis #EM #Ophtho #Diplopia #Localization #Cranial #Nerve #Algorithm
Diagnosis #EM #Ophtho ... Nerve #Algorithm #Differential
Algorithm for the Evaluation of Diplopia: Diplopia has been explored previously on ddxof. The earlier algorithm
Diagnosis #EM #Ophth ... Pinhole #Algorithm #Differential