467 results
Persistent Pupillary Membrane - A routine slit-lamp examination showed evidence of persistent pupillary membranes in both
eye) #Clinical #Ophth ... PersistentPupillaryMembrane #SlitLamp #NEJM
Marfan’s Syndrome with Ectopia Lentis - Slit-lamp examination revealed ectopia lentis in both eyes, including near-complete
#Clinical #Ophth ... LensDislocation #SlitLamp #NEJM
Pyogenic Granuloma of the Conjunctiva - A 30-year-old man presented with a pedunculated lesion on his
#Clinical #Ophth ... #Conjunctival #NEJM
Protruding Iris Collarette - On slit-lamp examination, prominent iris collarettes were noted in both eyes (the
#Clinical #Ophth ... ProminentIrisCollarette #NEJM
Eye Injury from a Firecracker - Slit-lamp examination of the left eye revealed multiple foreign bodies
B) #Clinical #Ophth ... Cornea #Orbit #NEJM
Examination of the right eye revealed an iris lesion 3 mm in diameter (Panel A, arrow),
arrow) #Clinical #Ophth ... #Endocarditis #NEJM
Intraocular Infection with a Trematode - Slit-lamp examination of the right eye revealed corneal edema, blood
#Clinical #Ophth ... FlukeInfection #SlitLamp #NEJM
Acute Dacryocystitis- A 4-week-old boy was brought to the emergency department after having drainage from both
#NEJM #clinical ... dacryocystitis #ophth
Retinal Vasculitis in Takayasu’s Arteritis- ...Ophthalmologic examination revealed severe impairment, with perception of only light in
#NEJM #clinical ... takayasus #arteritis #ophth
Bitot's Spots- A 4-year-old boy was brought by his father to the ophthalmology clinic with a
#NEJM #clinical ... #photo #ophth #bitot