2209 results
POCUS shows guitar-pick sign of retrobulbar hematoma just before successful lateral canthotomy
#Clinical #Ophth #POCUS #GuitarPickSign #RetrobulbarHematoma
POCUS shows guitar-pick ... canthotomy #Clinical #Ophth ... #POCUS #GuitarPickSign
Lens dislocation - The lens is seen floating en face in the vitreous chamber. #Clinical #EM
#Clinical #EM #Ophth ... #POCUS #Ocular
Globe rupture - irregular globe contour with collapsed anterior chamber. Echogenic material fills the vitreous chamber.
#Clinical #EM #Ophth ... #POCUS #Ocular
The detached retina appears as a thick, hyperechoic band in the vitreous chamber, anchored posteriorly to
disc #Clinical #Ophth ... #POCUS #Ocular
Vitreous hemorrhage - area of hemorrhage is visible as faint echogenic material causing a heterogeneous appearance
#Clinical #Ophth ... #POCUS #Ocular
Asteroid Hyalosis on Ocular POCUS - Vitreous Hemorrhage MIMIC!

Patient reporting floaters and seeing triangles of colors.
Hyalosis on Ocular POCUS ... Ophtho consult found ... Hyalosis #Ocular #POCUS
Normal eye - Anterior chamber (a): Located between hyperechoic cornea anteriorly and iris posteriorly Lens (L):
#Clinical #EM #Ophth ... #POCUS #Ocular
44M with h/o DM2 and insulin noncompliance presents w R eye visual loss x 3d. What's
Ophtho consult: ... #Clinical #POCUS
Eye Anatomy and Key Diagnoses Rule of 2s - Posterior Eye - Use fundoscopy and ultrasound
ultrasound #Diagnosis #Ophth
Eye Anatomy and Key Diagnoses Rule of 2s - Anterior Eye - Utilize slit lamp exam
Diagnosis #EM #Ophth