2702 results
Ultrasound - Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) - Probe Orientation #EM #Trauma #Radiology #POCUS
(FAST) - Probe Orientation ... #EM #Trauma #Radiology ... FAST #FASTExam #Orientation
Transducer positions for gallbladder scan. A: Intercostal, B: Subcostal, C: Lateral. Green line = costal margin.
#EM #Radiology # ... #Positioning #Orientation
Coronal / transverse view - Directional indicator: Pointed to patient’s right side - Appropriate transducer orientation
Appropriate transducer orientation ... exam #EM #Obgyn #Radiology ... Coronal #Transverse #Orientation
Sagittal / longitudinal view - Directional indicator: Pointed to anterior of patient (towards the ceiling) -
Appropriate transducer orientation ... exam #EM #Obgyn #Radiology ... #Longitudinal #Orientation
Wrist Anatomy - Anatomy of the Carpal Bones
There are several mnemonics that people use to remember
you about the orientation ... labeled #clinical #radiology
In this illustration the lower lobe arteries are coloured blue because they contain oxygen-poor blood.
They have
more vertical orientation ... #Anatomy #Radiology
Comprehensive transesophageal echocardiographic examination - Aortic Views

#Diagnosis #Cardiology #Transesophageal #Echocardiogram #TEE #Aortic #Views #Windows #Transducers #Angles
#Diagnosis #Cardiology ... Transducers #Angles #Orientations
Comprehensive transesophageal echocardiographic examination - Midesophageal Views

#Diagnosis #Cardiology #Transesophageal #Echocardiogram #TEE #Midesophageal #Windows #Transducers #Angles #Orientations
#Diagnosis #Cardiology ... Transducers #Angles #Orientations
Comprehensive transesophageal echocardiographic examination - Transgastric Views

#Diagnosis #Cardiology #Transesophageal #Echocardiogram #TEE #Transgastric #Views #Windows #Transducers #Angles
#Diagnosis #Cardiology ... Transducers #Angles #Orientations
Gastric Ultrasound Assessment 
#Diagnosis #POCUS #Gastric #Ultrasound #Orientation #Anatomy #Pulmcrit
Gastric #Ultrasound #Orientation