2295 results
Schema for illness in a camper (in the U.S) - Infections and Environmental Exposures

by Dr. Lizzy
for illness in a camper ... LizzyHastie #Camper
Rock Paper Scissors - Assessment of Nerve Damage in Upper Limb Injuries
Rock - Median Nerve
Rock Paper Scissors ... Finger Flexion Paper ... joint #Rock #Paper
PAMPER - Prehospital Plasma during Air Medical Transport in Trauma Patients at Risk for Hemorrhagic Shock

PAMPER - Prehospital ... Wilkinsonjonny #PAMPER
Sweat gland tumors - Pathology

Made with lots of help from @JMGardnerMD's paper on adnexal tumors for
@JMGardnerMD's paper
Fine Tremor in Hyperthyroidism - Physical Exam

Tremor exaggerated by overlying a piece of paper.

Dr. Bruno Farnetano
overlying a piece of paper
List of some common medications used in the operative setting, with their counterparts that look alike
to ensure the proper ... administered to the proper
Guide for testing and documenting neurological function in kids with upper limb fractures 

Rock - Median
Median Nerve Paper
Selective Publication of Antidepressant Trials

A more complete picture: contrasting the journal version of antidepressant trials with
adapted from his paper
Millicurie limit guidelines for major and minor radioactive spills.
I-131 - 1mCi
In-111 - 10 mCi
F-18 - 10
spread - Absorbent paper ... Bag absorbent paper ... Prevent (absorbent paper
Guide to Medtronic Transcutaneous Pacer

#Guide #Medtronic #Transcutaneous #Pacer #Pacemarker #Management #Bradycardia #Cardiology
Transcutaneous Pacer ... Transcutaneous #Pacer