3 results
Main types of organ-specific injuries after an electric shock #Diagnosis #Pathophys #EM #Burn #IM #ElectricShock #ElectricalInjury
electric shock #Diagnosis ... #Pathophys #EM ... #Burn #IM #ElectricShock ... ElectricalInjury #BMJ
Cullen's sign. Lipase 1,781. Bruising in the skin around the umbilicus. This sign is named after
the early 20th century ... Diagnosis and Context ... #cullensign #em ... #peritonitis #IM ... #FM #ICU #surgery
Vertigo - is it central or peripheral? Vertigo is classified into either peripheral or central depending
vestibular nerve is called ... to the balance centers ... cerebellum, is called ... #vertigo #diagnosis ... #EM #IM Neuro