28 results
Seated Flexion Test for Sacroiliac Dysfunction

In the seated flexion test the patient should have their feet
examiner notes the PSIS ... If the PSIS moves ... Flexion #Test #PSIS
#Management #CAP #CommunityAcquiredPneumonia #Pneumonia #Risk #Stratification  #Admission #PSI #CURB65 #Algorithm #Score
Stratification #Admission #PSI
Community Acquired Pneumonia - Severity and Prognosis
Criteria for Severe CAP - Severe CAP present in 1
Severity Index (PSI ... curb65 #severe #psi
Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI)  - The PSI was developed from an administrative data set of
Severity Index (PSI ... ) - The PSI was ... Stratification #PSI
Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI) as a site-of-care tool. BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CHF, chronic heart failure;
Severity Index (PSI ... Stratification #PSI
Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI) as a site-of-care tool. BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CHF, chronic heart failure;
Severity Index (PSI ... Stratification #PSI
Standing Flexion Test for Sacroiliac Dysfunction

The standing flexion test assesses for lumbosacral, sacroiliac, or pelvic dysfunction.
Flexion #Test #PSIS
Antibiotics for Intraabdominal Infection. 
Use your local antimicrobial susceptibility data for selecting the best empiric treatment!
Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) - Diagnosis and Management

Pneumonia Signs/Symptoms:
 • Confusion/disorientation (LR + 1.9)
 • Cough
Severity Index (PSI ... evidence) • PSI
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Summary
 - Diagnosis
 - Clinical Workflow
 - PPIs
 - Treatment
 - Acid
Clinical Workflow - PPIs