84 results
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) with Shunting on Echocardiogram with Contrast (a4c)

An elderly patient with dyspnea -
with Contrast (a4c ... Stankovic, MD, PhD ... Echocardiogram #Contrast #a4c
Septal bounce in constrictive pericarditis on Echocardiogram (a4c)

Ivan Stankovic, MD, PhD @Ivan_Echocardio

#Septal #bounce #constrictive #pericarditis #a4c
Echocardiogram (a4c ... Stankovic, MD, PhD ... #pericarditis #a4c
ASD on Bubble Contrast Echocardiogram (a4c)
A patient with an anterior STEMI (take a look at the
Echocardiogram (a4c ... Stankovic, MD, PhD ... Echocardiogram #a4c
Inverted Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy after high-voltage electrocution on Echocardiogram

Ivan Stankovic, MD, PhD @Ivan_Echocardio

#Inverted #Takotsubo #Cardiomyopathy #electrocution #Echocardiogram
Stankovic, MD, PhD ... cardiology #pocus #a4c
Myocarditis on Echocardiogram
It is always great to witness the tremendous reversal of severe biventricular dysfunction from
Stankovic, MD, PhD ... Myocarditis #plax #psax #a4c
Mitral Stenosis and Left Atrial Thrombus on Echocardiogram (a4c)

Mitral stenosis is a risk factor for LA
Echocardiogram (a4c ... Stankovic, MD, PhD ... Atrial #Thrombus #a4c
Tuberculous pericarditis with an effusive-constrictive physiology

Ivan Stankovic, MD, PhD @Ivan_Echocardio

#Tuberculous #pericarditis #constrictive #a4c #Echocardiogram #clinical #cardiology
Stankovic, MD, PhD ... #constrictive #a4c
Echocardiogram images with outlined regional wall motion abnormality territories of A) PSLAX B) PSAX, and C)
) PSAX, and C) A4C ... #Diagnosis #Cardiology
Pulmonary Embolism on POCUS Echocardiogram

Mid 30's female with chest pain/dyspnea.  Triage EKG (no prior).
Differential/diagnosis ... Echocardiogram #A4c
Pulmonary Embolism with IVC Thrombus In Transit

A patient presents with chest pain. Which of the following
most support her diagnosis ... echocardiogram #a4c