357 results
In centrilobular nodules the recognition of 'tree-in-bud' is of value for narrowing the differential diagnosis.
Tree-in-bud describes
#Diagnosis #Pathophys ... TreeInBud #Diagram #RadiologyAssistant
Lung abnormalities mostly present as areas of increased density, which can be divided into the following
#Diagnosis #Pathophys ... Lung #Patterns #RadiologyAssistant
Silhouette sign
This is a very important sign. It enables us to find subtle pathology and to
#Diagnosis #Pathophys ... SilhouetteSign #RadiologyAssistant
Pathophys - COPD
#Pathophysiology #COPD #Emphysema #ChronicBronchitis #PinkPuffer #BlueBloater
Pathophys - COPD
Paediatric inguinal hernia #Pathophys #Anatomy #Peds #InguinalHernia #Hydrocele #ScrotalDescent #ProcessusVaginalis #TunicaVaginalis #BMJ
inguinal hernia #Pathophys
Pathogenesis and features of the refeeding syndrome.
#Pathophys #Nutrition #RefeedingSyndrome
#Pathophys #Nutrition
Fetal Circulation
#Pathophys #Cardiology #Anatomy #Peds #Pediatrics #Fetal #Circulation
Circulation #Pathophys
Approaches to Evaluating Kidney Disease in Patients with HIV Infection #Pathophys #Nephro #IM #HIV #CKD #AKI
HIV Infection #Pathophys
Evolution of Necrotizing Fasciitis or Myonecrosis #Pathophys #GenSurg #NecrotizingFasciitis #Myonecrosis #NEJM
or Myonecrosis #Pathophys
ST depression & T wave inversion causes #Pathophys #Diagnosis #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #Differential #TWI #STD #TWaveInversion
inversion causes #Pathophys