1826 results
Complement Pathways
- Classical Pathway
- Lectin Pathway
- Alternative Pathway

#Complement #Pathway #hematology #pathophysiology
Complement Pathways ... - Classical Pathway ... - Lectin Pathway ... - Alternative Pathway ... #hematology #pathophysiology
Arachidonic acid pathway and drugs which affect it.

#Pharmacology #Pathophysiology #ArachidonicAcid #Pathways #COX #Prostaglandins #Prostacyclins #Leukotrienes #Synthesis

Arachidonic acid pathway ... ArachidonicAcid #Pathways
Simplified Coagulation Cascade and Differential Diagnosis

#Coagulation #Cascade #Differential #Diagnosis #Intrinsic #Extrinsic #Pathway #Hematology
Intrinsic #Extrinsic #Pathway ... #Hematology
Schematic of Pathways for Cirrhosis-Induced Portal Hypertension - the Forward and Backward Theories

#Cirrhosis #PortalHypertension #Pathophysiology #Hepatology
Schematic of Pathways ... Pathophysiology #Hepatology
Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW)
- Orthodromic AVRT: Narrow complex, most common 
- Antidromic AVRT: wide complex because goes through
through accessory pathway ... due to the two pathways
Differential Diagnosis for a Prolonged PT and aPTT
If the PT and the aPTT are both prolonged,
and extrinsic pathways ... in the common pathway ... to the common pathway ... #differential #hematology

RED FLAGS - In all cases there are specific
markers which
BEARING CHILD PATHWAY ... neurology, back pain Haematology ... cell disease Rheumatology ... NWB #Algorithm #Pathway
Pain mechanisms and analgesics pathways

#Pain #Pathways #Analgesics #Pharmacology #Tracts #Neurology
and analgesics pathways ... #Pain #Pathways
Coagulation and kinin pathways

#Pharmacology #Pathophysiology #Coagulation #Kinin #Pathways #Cascade #Anticoagulants #Antithrombotics #Thrombolytics
Coagulation and kinin pathways ... Coagulation #Kinin #Pathways
The parasympathetic and sympathetic systems - Activation and inhibition pathways by organ system

#Sympathetic #Parasympathetic #Systems #Pathways
and inhibition pathways ... Parasympathetic #Systems #Pathways