450 results
Boerhaave Syndrome on Endoscopy
Another spontaneous esophageal perforation (Boerhaave Syndrome) with gross mediastinal soiling from retching a
spontaneous esophageal perforation ... EGD #esophageal #perforation ... #clinical #gastroenterology
Duodenal knuckle perforation from prolonged ERCP

Andy Tau, MD @DrBloodandGuts

#Duodenal #knuckle #perforation #endoscopy #clinical #egd #gastroenterology
Duodenal knuckle perforation ... Duodenal #knuckle #perforation ... clinical #egd #gastroenterology
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) Basics
 - EGD Timing
 - EGD Complications
 - Review of Gastric Anatomy
 - EGD
- Esophageal Perforation ... #EGD #Basics #gastroenterology
Esophageal Perforation on Endoscopy
Male 68yo hepatopathy & ACO.  UpperGI bleeding & sengstaken tube. What’s your
Esophageal Perforation ... #Esophageal #Perforation ... EGD #clinical #gastroenterology
Complications of Gallstones - Cholelithiasis
1. Biliary colic
2. Cholecystitis
3. Mucocele
4. Empyema
5. Fistula
6. Perforation
7. Gallbladder carcinoma
8. Mirizzi's syndrome
Perforation 7. ... differential #diagnosis #gastroenterology
Gastrostomy (PEG) Tube Complications and Management
Buried bumper syndrome
Peristomal Leakage
Colonic Perforation
Tube dislodgement
Tube malfunction
Nonhealing stoma

#Gastrostomy #PEGTube #Complications #Management
Leakage Colonic Perforation ... Complications #Management #gastroenterology
Understanding Endoscopic Tools in EGD
 - Endoscopic Biopsies: Types of forceps, Technique, Complications
 - Food Bolus
- Esophageal Perforation ... Endoscopy #Tools #EGD #gastroenterology
Management of Adverse Events in Colonoscopy
 - Bleed during an EMR
 - Post Polypectomy Bleed
Antibiotics - Perforation ... complications #gastroenterology
Causes of Intestinal Obstruction - Differential Diagnosis
Lesions Extrinsic to the Intestinal Wall:
 • Adhesions: Postoperative, Congenital,
sharp objects that perforate ... bowel #Causes #gastroenterology
C.diff - Clostridioides Difficile Infection (CDI) - Diagnosis and Management - GrepMed Handbook

Clinical Presentation + Progression:
Megacolon, Shock, Perforation ... complications (megacolon, perforation ... Megacolon, Shock, Perforation ... infectiousdiseases #IDSA #gastroenterology