1234 results
Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease

#Clinical #Photo #Peds #Pediatrics #HFMD #HandFootMouth #Disease #SkinRash
Disease #Clinical #Photo ... #Peds #Pediatrics
Tinea Pedis: Scaly red erruption of the feet caused by fungal dermatitis.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD
Tinea Pedis: Scaly ... Images #Clinical #Photo ... SkinRash #Tinea #Pedis
Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome (SSSS)

A 5-year-old girl presents to the ED with a rash that started
SSSS #Clinical #Photo ... #Peds #Pediatrics
This is another example of facial bruising. Here again the face appears to be cyanotic (including
bruising #newborn #peds ... pediatrics #clinical #photo
Acrocyanosis- Note the contrast between the feet and the color of the right leg. #clinical #photo
#clinical #photo ... #newborn #peds
Gonococcal Ophthalmia Neonatorum (GON) - Figure 1

A 4-day-old girl was brought to the emergency department (ED)
#Clinical #Photo ... #Peds #Pediatrics
Palatal petechiae seen in the presence of Group A Streptococcus pharyngitis in a pediatric patient. 

Palate #Clinical #Photo ... EmergencyMedicine #Pediatrics #Peds
perioral cyanosis- A blue color around the lips and philtrum is a relatively common finding shortly
#clinical #photo ... #peds #pediatrics
Acrocyanosis: Bluish discoloration of the hands and feet commonly seen in newborns.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD
Images #Clinical #Peds ... Acrocyanosis #Newborn #Photo
Acrocyanosis- Shortly after birth, cyanosis of the hands, feet, and perioral area are common findings. In
In this photo, notice ... #clinical #photo ... #newborn #peds