578 results
Parkinsonian Gait 

Parkinson's gait is very characteristic: Standing, the patient tends to tilt the trunk forward,
Parkinsonian Gait ... Parkinson's gait ... During gait, it ... making your steps short ... #Neurology #PhysicalExam
Wide-Based Gait on Physical Exam - Cerebellar Ataxia

#Wide #Gait #Cerebellum #Ataxia #clinical #video #neurology #physicalexam
Wide-Based Gait ... Ataxia #Wide #Gait ... video #neurology #physicalexam
Festinating Gait Disorder in Parkison's Disease

#Festinating #Gait #Disorder #Parkisons #parkinsonian #clinical #video #neurology #festination #physicalexam
Festinating Gait ... #Festinating #Gait ... #festination #physicalexam
Hemiplegic Gait 

With a hemiplegic gait there is impaired natural swinging at the hip and knee
Hemiplegic Gait ... With a hemiplegic gait ... #Hemiplegic #Gait ... #Neurology #PhysicalExam
Criss-Cross Gait on Physical Exam 

Seen in Glucose Transporter type 1 Deficiency Syndrome

#CrissCross #Criss #Cross #Gait
Criss-Cross Gait ... #Criss #Cross #Gait ... #PhysicalExam #
Bilateral Congenital Hip Dysplasia in an almost 5 year old.
This gait was called “clumsy”. For years.
This gait was called ... clinical #pediatrics #gait ... orthopedics #video #physicalexam
Cafe Au Lait Spots: Pigmented areas adjacent to multiple neurofibromas.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog of
Cafe Au Lait Spots ... SkinRash #CafeAuLait #Spots
Dropped Foot Gait - Paralysis of Dorsal Flexion of the Foot.
When trying to walk the tip
Dropped Foot Gait ... This type of gait ... hip (Escarvante gait ... #DroppedFoot #Gait ... #Neurology #PhysicalExam
Cafe Au Lait Spots: Pigmented areas adjacent to multiple neurofibromas.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog of
Cafe Au Lait Spots ... SkinRash #CafeAuLait #Spots
Frontal Magnetic Gait or Gait Apraxia on Physical Exam

Found in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH)

#Gait #Apraxia #Magnetic
Frontal Magnetic Gait ... or Gait Apraxia ... Hydrocephalus (NPH) #Gait ... Apraxia #Magnetic #PhysicalExam