3 results
Hoffmann's Reflex on Physical Exam
The Hoffmann's reflex itself involves loosely holding the middle finger and flicking
Hoffmann's Reflex ... is flexion and adduction ... of the thumb on ... #Hoffmanns #Reflex ... #Sign #PhysicalExam
Positive Hoffmann's sign (finger flexor reflex)

Flexion and adduction of the thumb and flexion of the index
and adduction of ... the thumb and flexion ... #Hoffmanns #sign ... #hand #video #physicalexam ... orthopedics #neurology #sports
Wartenberg Thumb Reflex

Forceful flexion of the fingers at the distal IP joints produces (Adduction, flexion, and
Reflex Forceful ... equivalent of Babinski ... #Reflex #Adduction ... hand #neurology #physicalexam ... #pyramidal