2802 results
Piriformis Test (FAIR Test - Flexion, Adduction, and Internal Rotation)

Flex the hip to 90 degrees, then
Piriformis Test ... stretching out the piriformis ... PT_yuu_mizu628 #Piriformis
Sciatica - Stretching Exercises for Back Pain 

#Sciatica #stretching #stretches #piriformis #backpain #patientinfo
stretching #stretches #piriformis
Upper Extremity Nerve Blocks
Interscalene, Supraclavicular, Infraclavicular, Axillary - Indications, positioning, and anatomy
#Management #Regional #Anesthesia #Local #Upper
Upper Extremity ... , and anatomy #Management ... #Local #Upper #Extremity
Freiberg's Test for Piriformis Syndrome

Flex the hip to 90 degrees, internally rotate the hip.
Pain in the
Freiberg's Test for Piriformis ... PT_yuu_mizu628 #Piriformis
Lower Extremity Nerve Blocks
Femoral, Sciatic, Popliteal, Saphenous - Indications, positioning, and anatomy

#Management #Regional #Anesthesia #Local #Lower
Lower Extremity ... and anatomy #Management ... #Local #Lower #Extremity
Lower Extremity Venous Thrombosis - Management and Anatomy

Deep - Superficial - Active Bleeding

#LowerExtremity #Veins #Venous #Thrombosis
Lower Extremity ... Venous Thrombosis - Management ... DVT #Hematology #Management
Upper Extremity Venous Thrombosis - Management and Anatomy

Deep - Superficial - Catheter Associated

#UpperExtremity #Veins #Venous #Thrombosis
Upper Extremity ... Venous Thrombosis - Management ... DVT #Hematology #Management
Pace Maneuver for Piriformis Syndrome

With the patient's hips and needs flexed to 90 degrees, the patient
Pace Maneuver for Piriformis ... Maneuver #Test #Piriformis
PocketPEM - Upper Extremity Fractures #Management #Peds #Ortho #EM #Lower #Fracture #Immobilization #Followup #PocketCard #PocketPEM
PocketPEM - Upper Extremity ... Fractures #Management
PocketPEM - Upper Extremity Fractures #Management #Peds #Ortho #EM #Upper #Fracture #Immobilization #Followup #PocketCard #PocketPEM
PocketPEM - Upper Extremity ... Fractures #Management