802 results
Pivot-Shift Test in ACL-deficient Knee

This patient has pathologic varus alignment across the knee and a chronic
Pivot-Shift Test ... dr.dold.md #Pivot ... #Knee #Injury #ACLTear
Normal (Negative) Pivot-Shift Test for ACL Knee Injury

Andrew Dold, MD @dr.dold.md

#Pivot #Shift #PivotShift #test #ACL #Knee
Normal (Negative) Pivot-Shift ... dr.dold.md #Pivot ... #Knee #Injury #ACLTear
Knee Examination
Right Knee - Examination maneuvers include the Lachman (ACL), anterior drawer (ACL), Lateral pivot shift,
(ACL), Lateral pivot
Pericardial Constriction on Echocardiogram with Septal Bounce

Fantastic example of pericardial constriction. Not only a nice septal
Constriction on Echocardiogram ... bounce, but very clear ... #Constriction #Echocardiogram
Lateral pivot shift test: Valgus stress on knee plus internal/external rotation of knee during knee flexion
Lateral pivot shift
Constrictive Pericarditis on Echocardiogram
A 55-year-old female marathon runner presents to clinic w/ 6-months of worsening breathlessness
Pericarditis on Echocardiogram ... pedal edema, and clear ... transthoracic echocardiogram ... #Pericarditis #Echocardiogram
Parasternal Long Axis (PLAX) Window - POCUS Echocardiogram Anatomy

#Parasternal #LongAxis #PLAX #Window #Anatomy #echocardiogram #view #POCUS
Window - POCUS Echocardiogram ... Window #Anatomy #echocardiogram
Efficacy and safety of quetiapine in critically ill patients with delirium: a prospective, multicenter, randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled pilot
Bicuspid Aortic Valve on Echocardiogram

Dr. kazi ferdous @fazalabul

#Bicuspid #Aortic #Valve #Echocardiogram #POCUS #clinical #cardiology #plax
Aortic Valve on Echocardiogram ... Aortic #Valve #Echocardiogram
Balloting the ETT cuff refers to exerting gentle bouncing pressure over the suprasternal notch while palpating
palpating the ETT pilot ... further to the pilot