5809 results
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury seen with positive Anterior Drawer Test

#Anterior #Cruciate #Ligament #ACL #Injury #Drawer #Test
Anterior Cruciate ... #Anterior #Cruciate
Normal (Negative) Pivot-Shift Test for ACL Knee Injury

Andrew Dold, MD @dr.dold.md

#Pivot #Shift #PivotShift #test #ACL #Knee
#Pivot #Shift #PivotShift ... Ortho #anterior #cruciate
Segond Fracture
- Avulsion fracture of the proximal tibia below the articular surface. 
- Associated with anterior
with anterior cruciate ... Segond #Fracture #Diagnosis
Pivot-Shift Test in ACL-deficient Knee

This patient has pathologic varus alignment across the knee and a chronic
#Pivot #Shift #PivotShift
Normal (Negative) Lachman Test for ACL Injury

Andrew Dold, MD @dr.dold.md

#Lachmans #test #ACL #Knee #Injury #Normal #Negative
Ortho #anterior #cruciate
Positive Lachman test in ACL Injury

Here is an exam of a patient under anesthesia with an
Ortho #anterior #cruciate
Lachman test in ACL-deficient Knee

This patient has pathologic varus alignment across the knee and a chronic
Ortho #anterior #cruciate
Lelli's Test (Lever Sign) for ACL Injury

A fist is placed under the proximal 3rd of the
acl #anterior #cruciate
Positive Lachman's Test

The Lachman test is a clinical test used to diagnose injury of the anterior
clinical test used to diagnose ... of the anterior cruciate
Wellens' Sign: LAD-T Wave Inversion 
Life threatening T wave inversions in precordial leads. Often V2-V3 
EKGS in pts are crucial ... Electrocardiogram #Diagnosis