165 results
On a lateral image of CXR effusion of > 75 ml could be visible- where there
Emergency doc #Hidden ... #PleuralEffusion
Pleural fluid
It takes about 200-300 ml of fluid before it comes visible on an CXR (figure).
Pulmonary #CXR #PleuralEffusion ... Pleural #Effusion #Hidden
Causes of Pleural Effusions
#Diagnosis #Pulmonary #PleuralEffusions #Differential #Table #Transudative #Exudative
Diagnosis #Pulmonary #PleuralEffusions
Pleural Effusions
#Diagnosis #PleuralEffusion #Lights #Criteria #Transudative #Exudative #Cholesterol #Sensitivity #Specificity
Effusions #Diagnosis #PleuralEffusion
Thoracic Trauma - Lethal 6 and Hidden 6 of Thoracic Trauma
The Lethal 6 of Thoracic Trauma:
- Lethal 6 and Hidden ... Flail Chest The Hidden ... differential #lethal #hidden
Light's Criteria

Medical Nugget on Light's Criteria for diagnosis of Exudative Pleural Effusion in adults and children.
#Respiratory #PleuralEffusion
Hidden anticholinergics in elderly patients: What, where and how?

Antihistamines - 1st generation: chlorpheniramine, hydroxyzine, diphenhydramine
Hidden anticholinergics ... TerrierBen #Hidden
Figure 1. The normal #pelvic #floor at rest during #rectal #examination. The #internal anal #sphincter #muscle
muscle is normally “hidden
Capnography Waveforms
Sudden loss of waveform
 • ET tube disconnected, dislodged, kinked or obstructec
 • Loss of
Capnography Waveforms Sudden ... minimum of 10mmHg Sudden
Algorithm for the Evaluation and Management of Transfusion Reactions

This algorithm was developed by Dr. Eric Madden,
Eric Madden, chief