2723 results
Cavitary Lesion with Air-Fluid Level on Chest XRay

70+ year old man with PMH of latent TB
persistent cough and pleuritic ... Clinical #Pulmonary #Radiology
A 37 yo male with no sig PMH presents with pleuritic chest pain for 3 days.
presents with pleuritic ... pneumothorax #Clinical #Radiology
Pericardial fatpad
Pericardial fat depositions are common.
Sometimes a large fat pad can be seen (figure).
Necrosis of the
manifests as acute pleuritic ... #Clinical #Radiology
Rounded atelectasis
The typical findings of rounded atelectasis on CT are pleural thickening, pleural-based mass and comet
is that a local pleuritis ... #Diagnosis #Radiology
Differential Diagnosis of Pleuritic Chest Pain:

Categorized by causes: Cardiac, Pulmonary, MSK, Drug/Toxins, Heme/Onc, Renal, Autoimmune

#Diagnosis #Pleuritic
Differential Diagnosis of Pleuritic ... #Diagnosis #Pleuritic
Continuous Diaphragm Sign and Pneumomediastinum on Chest XRay

16yo boy referred in by his GP with7/10 chest
radiated up his neck, pleuritic ... ChestXRay #CXR #Radiology
Dressler Syndrome - 
Postmyocardlal Infarctlon syndrome / Postpericardlotomy pericarditis
• Occurs 2 -10 weeks post myocardial infarction
• Chest pain (pleuritic ... Syndrome #Diagnosis #Cardiology
Chest Pain Diagnosis and Management Algorithm
 - Hx: Pressure like CP, Radiation to arm/jaw, CAD risk
Non-reproducible, Non-pleuritic ... : Sudden onset pleuritic ... Pericarditis: - Hx: Pleuritic ... : - Hx: Acute pleuritic
Classic ECG of acute pericarditis in a young patient with pleuritic chest pain and a viral
young patient with pleuritic
Chest Pain - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Cardiovascular Causes of Chest Pain:
 • Myocardium:
	- Myocarditis
	- Valvulopathy
	- Myopericarditis
• Parenchyma: Pleuritis ... Diagnosis #Causes #Cardiology