816 results
Nodular pattern
1. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: ill defined centrilobular nodules.
2. Miliary TB: random nodules
3. Sarcoidosis: nodules with perilymphatic
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis ... Hypersensitivity pneumonitis ... Radiology #HRCT #CTChest
Chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis
The key findings in chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis are:
Mosaic pattern with areas of ground-glass atenuation
hypersensitivity pneumonitis ... hypersensitivity pneumonitis ... hypersensitivity pneumonitis ... Radiology #CXR #CTChest ... Hypersensitivity #Pneumonitis
Ill defined centrilobular nodules of ground glass density in a patient with hypersensitivity pneumonitis #Clinical #Radiology
hypersensitivity pneumonitis ... Clinical #Radiology #CTChest ... Hypersenstitivity #Pneumonitis
Here another case of subacute hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
There is subtle opacity in the centre of the secondary
hypersensitivity pneumonitis ... Clinical #Radiology #CTChest ... Hypersensitivity #Pneumonitis
High Attenuation pattern (2) 
1. Non specific interstitial pneumonitis (NSIP): ground glass with traction bronchiectasis, no
specific interstitial pneumonitis ... Radiology #HRCT #CTChest
Sometimes the centrilobular opacities are more nodular in appearance as in this case. #Clinical #Radiology #CTChest
Clinical #Radiology #CTChest ... Hypersensitivity #Pneumonitis
It is usually easy to recognize the pattern of UIP on HRCT. #Clinical #Radiology #CTChest #UIP
Clinical #Radiology #CTChest ... #Interstitial #Pneumonitis
Here another case of hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
There is a mosaic pattern.
Some secundary lobules demonstrate ground-glass opacity due
hypersensitivity pneumonitis ... Clinical #Radiology #CTChest ... Hypersensitivity #Pneumonitis
Notice the honeycombing and the preference of the subpleural and basal lung areas. #Clinical #Radiology #CTChest
Clinical #Radiology #CTChest ... #Interstitial #Pneumonitis
On the left some diseases with a nodular pattern.
1. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: ill defined centrilobular nodules.
2. Miliary
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis ... Hypersensitivity pneumonitis ... Radiology #Pulmonary #CTChest