3430 results
Focused Lung Assessment: Transducer positions for the 8 lung zones #EM #Radiology #PCC #POCUS #Focused #Lung
Assessment: Transducer positions ... lung zones #EM #Radiology
Positive FAST in the RUQ view demonstrating echogenic clot in Morison’s pouch with adjacent anechoic free
Positive FAST in ... Diagnosis #EM #Trauma #Radiology ... HepatorenalRecess #Positive
Transducer positions for gallbladder scan. A: Intercostal, B: Subcostal, C: Lateral. Green line = costal margin.
Transducer positions ... #EM #Radiology #
Focused Abdominal Aorta Ultrasound - Transducer positions for aortic scan. Proximal (A), Mid-aorta (B), Distal (C),
Ultrasound - Transducer positions ... Longitudinal (D) #EM #Radiology
Hilar enlargement
The table summarizes the causes of hilar enlargement.
Normal hili are:
- Normal in position - left
are: - Normal in position ... vessels #Diagnosis #Radiology
Starr Edwards Mechanical Valve on Cardiac CTA
Starr Edwards prosthesis in aortic position and bioprosthesis in pulmonary
prosthesis in aortic position ... bioprosthesis in pulmonary position ... CCTA #clinical #cardiology ... #radiology
Positive DVT study showing thrombus in the femoral vein (v), adjacent to the femoral artery (a)
Positive DVT study ... Diagnosis #EM #Radiology ... Vasc #POCUS #DVT #Positive
Chest X-Ray Interpretation Checklist
Outline ALL bones
Check soft tissues
Assess heart borders
Is density, behind the heart the same
compare hilum position ... Interpretation #Checklist #radiology
Stage I - Redistribution
In a normal chest film with the patient standing erect, the pulmonary vessels
inspiration in the erect position ... or semi-erect position ... In the supine position ... #Clinical #Radiology
Timeline for Progression of T2WI and DWI Findings in Acute Stroke
 - In the acute phase
DWI is already positive ... infarction will be positive ... infarction DWI is only positive ... Timeline #Neurology #Radiology