5 results
The CT-image shows a large pericardial effusion.
Always compare these post-operative chest films with the pre-operative ones.
#CTS #CTChest #PostSurgical
Here another patient who had valve-replacement.
Notice the large heart size.
There is redistribution of the pulmonary vessels
Radiology #CTS #CXR #PostSurgical
Especially in patients who had recent cardiac surgery an enlargement of the heart figure can indicate
Radiology #CTS #CXR #PostSurgical
There is a large pericardial effusion, which is located posteriorly to the left ventricle (blue arrow).
#CTS #CTChest #PostSurgical
Causes of Chronic Diarrhea
Osmotic Diarrhea
 1. Medications: antacids, lactulose, sorbitol
 2. Disaccharidase deficiency: lactose intolerance
Postsurgical: vagotomy