1639 results
Boerhaave Syndrome 
Iatrogenic (most common)
Left Posterolateral most common

Mackler's Triad:
Lower Chest Pain
Subcutaneous Emphysema

#Boerhaave #Syndrome #Diagnosis #Signs
common) Left Posterolateral
Posterior Ankle Impingement (Os Trigonum) Syndrome - MSK Radiology
Imaging Findings:
 • Os trigonum which has marrow
Arrows showing posterolateral ... signal of the posterolateral ... • MRI: Posterolateral
Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation on Echocardiogram
A typical ischemic MR:  the restricted posterior mitral leaflet motion (posterolateral
leaflet motion (posterolateral
Spine sign: visualization of the vertebral bodies in the thoracic cavity above the diaphragm indicative of
In the absence ... Pulmonary #Lung #Ultrasound
Hyperventilation Test to Induce an Absence Seizure

#Hyperventilation #Test #Absence #Seizure #clinical #video #physicalexam #neurology #PetiteMal
Test to Induce an Absence ... Hyperventilation #Test #Absence
Posterior Elbow Dislocation
The elbow is the second most commonly dislocated major joint in adults and the
dislocations occur posterolateral ... 80% occurring posterolateral
Epilepsy Seizure Types - Generalized vs Focal

Generalized Seizures
 - Absence seizures 
 - Myoclonic seizures
Generalized Seizures - Absence
Causes of Unprovoked Pediatric Seizures -  Epilepsy Syndromes - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm 
 • Benign
• Childhood Absence ... • Myoclonic Absence ... Epilepsy • Juvenile Absence
Congenital absence of the pericardium: 
- CXR: leftward shift of the cardiac silhouette, Snoopy sign, no
Congenital absence ... deviation - CMR: left posterolateral ... #Congenital #absence
Congenital absence of the pericardium: 
- CXR: leftward shift of the cardiac silhouette, Snoopy sign, no
Congenital absence ... deviation - CMR: left posterolateral ... #Congenital #absence