4 results
The parasympathetic and sympathetic systems - Activation and inhibition pathways by organ system

#Sympathetic #Parasympathetic #Systems #Pathways
#Preganlionic #Postganglionic
Anisocoria - Pupillary Defects - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Physiological - Simple Anisocoria ( <O.5mm)
 - Anisocoria equal
Ill Findings) Postganglionic ... Breast, Thyroid) Postganglionic
Adie's Pupil on Physical Exam

Adie's pupil is a neurological disorder characterized by a tonically dilated pupil
damage to the postganglionic
Adie’s Tonic Pupil on Physical Exam

A young female was referred in for a sudden onset anisocoria.
Because the postganglionic