471 results
Airway Intubation "Blue Card" Checklist

The ‘Blue Card’ can be used to record your airway management over
evaluate your own practice ... #Management #CriticalCare
Approach to Cuff Leak Test and Laryngeal Edema
A new joint practice guideline by the ATS and
Edema A new joint practice ... #Diagnosis #CriticalCare
Decision tree of FALLS-protocol (Fluid Administration Limited by Lung Sonography). Lung Ultrasound in the hemodynamic assessment
shock in current practice ... #Pulmonology #CriticalCare
The Vortex is based on the principle that there are three ‘nonsurgical’ techniques to establish a
depicts real-world practice ... #visualaid #criticalcare
Emergencies related to thyroid gland diseases are infrequently observed in the clinical practice. They are caused
in the clinical practice ... DharSaty #Coma, #CriticalCare
ECMO Troubleshooting - OnePager Summary
ECMO Emergency Protocol - Team should train/practice & have necessary supplies at
Team should train/practice ... differential #management #criticalcare
Telehealth algorithm; how do you differentiate telemedicine, e-visit, and virtual check in?

#telehealth; #telemedicine; #e-visit; #virtualcheckin; #algorithm;
FPM In Practice ... journals/fpm/blogs/ inpractice
Cardiac Auscultation Practice - S4 Gallop

S4: add this extra heart sounds by tapping first finger twice

Cardiac Auscultation Practice ... #Auscultation #Practice
Cardiac Auscultation Practice - S3 Gallop

S3: add this extra heart sound by tapping second finger twice

Cardiac Auscultation Practice ... #Auscultation #Practice
Standard Square Knot - Surgery Knot Tying Practice

This is what you should really be learning as
Surgery Knot Tying Practice ... Surgery #Tying #Practice