7 results
An Approach to Jaundice - Differential Diagnosis

- Increased Production (Prehepatic)
- Decreased Clearance (Intrahepatic + Posthepatic)

Dr. Eric
Increased Production (Prehepatic ... #Intrahepatic #Preheatic
Causes of Jaundice - Prehepatic, Intrahepatic, Extrahepatic

#Diagnosis #Differential #Jaundice #Prehepatic #Intrahepatic #Extrahepatic #Unconjugated #Conjugated

** GrepMed Recommended
of Jaundice - Prehepatic ... Differential #Jaundice #Prehepatic
Portal Hypertension Differential

#Diagnosis #Hepatology #Differential #PortalHypertension #PortalHTN #Prehepatic #Posthepatic #Intrahepatic
PortalHypertension #PortalHTN #Prehepatic
Causes of Portal Hypertension According to Site of Vascular Obstruction
1) Prehepatic pre-sinusoidal: Portal vein thrombosis due
Obstruction 1) Prehepatic
Portal Hypertension Classification by site of vascular obstruction
1) Post-hepatic Post-sinusoidal: Budd-Chiari syndrome
2) Intrahepatic Post-sinusoidal: Veno-occlusive disease
Sarcoidosis 5) Prehepatic
Causes of Ascites - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Portal Hypertension - Prehepatic:
 • Portal vein thrombosis
 • Splenic
Hypertension - Prehepatic
Hypothermia in Anesthesiology - Avoiding Hypothermia and Physiologic Changes with Hypothermia

Avoiding hypothermia: 

1. temperature in OR
warming blanket 3. preheat