3 results
The distribution of nodules shown on HRCT is the most important factor in making an accurate
nodules shown on HRCT ... In most cases small ... #Diagnosis #Radiology ... #Pulmonary #HRCT ... Perilymphatic #Comparison #Diagram
Algorithm for nodular pattern
The algorithm to distinguish perilymphatic, random and centrilobular nodules is the following:
- Look
pattern The algorithm ... perilymphatic, random and centrilobular ... distribution is likely centrilobular ... #Diagnosis #Radiology ... #Pulmonary #HRCT
Basic Interpretation
A structured approach to interpretation of HRCT involves the following questions:
What is the dominant HR-pattern:
the dominant HR-pattern ... secondary lobule (centrilobular ... bronchiectasis) #Diagnosis #Radiology ... #Pulmonary #HRCT ... Interpretation #Algorithm