1321 results
Selective Publication of Antidepressant Trials

A more complete picture: contrasting the journal version of antidepressant trials with
Selective Publication ... Antidepressants #SSRIs #Evidence ... #Selective #Publication
With the recent publication of the FDA Guidance on alcohol-based hand sanitizer compounding, I thought to
With the recent publication
Selective Publication of Antidepressant Trials

A more complete picture: contrasting the journal version of antidepressant trials with
Selective Publication ... Antidepressants #SSRIs #Evidence ... #Selective #Publication
Venn Diagram - Does this patient have pneumonia?
Diagnosis is generally based on three lines of evidence:
three lines of evidence ... - Imaging evidence ... procalcitonin) - Pulmonary ... Diagram #Diagnosis #Pulmonolary
Thrombolytics for stroke: The evidence - 
A summary of the evidence for (or against) thrombolytics for
for stroke: The evidence ... summary of the evidence ... #Stroke #RCT #Evidence
Patient risk stratification algorithm for the treatment of cancer-associated thrombosis.

Currently, edoxaban and rivaroxaban are the only
controlled trial evidence ... thrombosis, with the evidence ... thrombosis; PE = pulmonary
Figure 2: Sex differences in the lifetime incidence of psychiatric disorders vary from higher incidence in
directly from the publications
Evidence for Epinephrine in OHCA #epi #epinephrine #adrenaline #OHCA #resuscitation #cardiacarrest #table
Evidence for Epinephrine
EKG in Acute Pulmonary Embolism
The sensitivity and specificity for EKG findings in acute PE are low.
EKG in Acute Pulmonary ... causes of cardio-pulmonary ... symptoms + supporting evidence ... #EKG #EKG #Pulmonary
Summary of Evidence for Mechanical CPR for OHCA #EBM #EM #Prehosp #MechanicalCPR #Mechanical #CPR #OHCA
Summary of Evidence