2831 results
Post-MI Free Wall Rupture
1. What's the role of revascularization when presenting with late STEMI?
2. What are
When should you pursue ... FreeWall #Rupture #cardiology
Right sided ECG leads (V1R-V6R) are positioned in a mirror image fashion to the standard 12-lead
Purpose: To detect ... infarcts #EM #Cardiology
Metabolic Pathways of Purple Urine Bag Syndrome: Adopted from chart originally published in Purple Urine Bag
Metabolic Pathways of Purple ... originally published in Purple ... Pathways #PUBS #Purple
COVID-19 Skin Rashes on Fingers and Toes

Please be aware there are skin signs of covid. Purple
Purple red papules ... Seen in young people
Purple Urine Bag Syndrome
Chronic, indwelling catheter + bacteriuria (Providencia, Klebsiella, E.coli*) + alkaline urine
Tryptophan → Indoxyl
Purple Urine Bag ... BrighamChiefs #Purple
Purpose: We sought to develop a patient decision aid to promote shared decision-making for patients who
Purpose: We sought ... #PatientInfo #Cardiology
What the Color of Urine Can Tell You - Differential Diagnosis by Urine Color
Clear: excess water
methylene blue) Purple ... (Purple Urine Syndrome
Abnormally Colored Urine - Differential Diagnosis Framework
 - Hematuria, Hemoglobinuria, Myoglobinuria
 - Beets, Rhubarb, Blackberries, Artificial
Artificial Dyes Purple ... : - Purple urine
Pacemaker Operating Modes
1 - Chamber paced
     A (atrium), V (ventricle), D (dual/both)
has no clinical purpose ... Pacing #settings #cardiology
Steroid Synthesis Pathway

(OH, hydroxy; HSD, hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone; pink, common enzymes affecting CAH, purple –
affecting CAH, purple