212 results
RUSH Protocol: Rapid Ultrasound for Shock and Hypotension

Infographic by Dr. Jonny Wilkinson @Wilkinsonjonny 

#RUSH #Protocol #Rapid
RUSH Protocol: Rapid ... RUSH #Protocol #Rapid ... Diagnosis #Trauma #POCUS
Rapid Lung-Cardiac-IVC (LCI) Ultrasound POCUS Evaluation

- Alberta Sono @UAlberta_Sono

#lung #cardiac #ivc #LCI #pocus #evaluation #algorithm #diagnosis
Rapid Lung-Cardiac-IVC ... LCI) Ultrasound POCUS ... cardiac #ivc #LCI #pocus
Algorithm for the Evaluation of Visual Complaints with Ocular Ultrasonography (POCUS)

- Dr. Tom Fadial @thame 

Ultrasonography (POCUS ... thame #Ocular #POCUS ... Algorithm #Emergency #Ophthalmology
Bilateral Lens Dislocation in Marfan syndrome - Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Bilateral #Lens #Dislocation
Dislocation in Marfan syndrome ... Dislocation #Marfan #syndrome ... clinical #video #ophthalmology
Afferent Pupillary Defect

An afferent pupillary defect passing through its timeline. The pupil that does not react
video #neurology #ophthalmology ... #PhysicalExam #RAPD
Ocular Cross-Section Anatomy and Ophthalmology Acronyms

EOM - Extra ocular movements
IOL - Intraocular Lens
IOP - Intraocular Pressure
Cross-Section Anatomy and Ophthalmology ... Accommodation RAPD ... Eyeball #Anatomy #Ophthalmology
All About Horner's Syndrome

Horner's syndrome, known as 
"oculosympathetic paresis" by people 
who don't have friends, is
About Horner's Syndrome ... Horner's syndrome ... and discovered a syndrome ... DGlaucomflecken #Horners #Syndrome ... #Overview #Ophthalmology
Serotonin Syndrome
 - Rapid onset 
 - Combination of 2+ serotonin agonists 
Mental status changes:
Serotonin Syndrome ... - Rapid onset ... #Serotonin #Syndrome

Physical examination revealed iridodonesis, or “dancing” of the iris, which was elicited by rapid movement of
was elicited by rapid ... with Marfan’s syndrome ... PhysicalExam #Video #Ophthalmology
Simultagnosia on Physical Exam (Balint Syndrome)

The patient can recognize objects one at a time but cannot
Physical Exam (Balint Syndrome ... Simultagnosia #Balint #Syndrome ... video #neurology #ophthalmology