221 results
Summary of All RCTs to Date on Endovascular Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke 

#EBM #Neurology #NeuroInterventionalRadiology
Summary of All RCTs ... #Stroke #CVA #RCT
Linezolid (Zyvox) (PO and IV) - Antibiotics Class Overview

Mechanism: Oxazolidinone class –unique ribosomal inhibitor (acts on
Antibiotics Class Overview ... ribosomal inhibitor (acts ... infections #Pharmacology ... Antibiotics #Review #Overview
RCTs of Steroids Alone and Septic Shock #sepsis #septicshock #hydrocortisone #infectiousdisease
RCTs of Steroids
RCTs of the Metabolic Cocktail and Mortality Outcomes #sepsis #vitaminc #septicshock #thiamine #hydrocortisone #infectiousdisease
RCTs of the Metabolic
RCTs of the Metabolic Cocktail and Time Off Pressors #sepsis #vitaminc #septicshock #thiamine #hydrocortisone #infectiousdisease
RCTs of the Metabolic
Hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 - How might hydroxychloroquine help combat a COVID-19 infection?

It's important to remember that
the data from RCTs ... #Coronavirus #Pharmacology
Intraoperative Cardiac Massage

Hanin Alashi, CCP @iNeena

#Intraoperative #Cardiac #Massage #CTS #thoracic #clinical #video #heart #surgery
Cardiac #Massage #CTS
Intraoperative Opening of Aortic Dissection - Thoracic Surgery

Dr. Bobby Yanagawa @BobbyYanagawa

#Intraoperative #Opening #Aortic #Dissection #aorta #surgery
surgery #thoracic #CTS
Allopurinol and its active metabolite inhibit xanthine oxidase, the enzyme that converts hypoxanthine to xanthine and
Allopurinol and its ... #pharmacology #overview
Type A Aortic Dissection: The basics of diagnosing and treating it
#Management #CTS #AorticDissection #TypeA #tssmn
#Management #CTS