384 results
Summary of All RCTs to Date on Endovascular Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke 

#EBM #Neurology #NeuroInterventionalRadiology
Summary of All RCTs ... #Stroke #CVA #RCT ... #Summary #Table
Rodent-associated Bacterial infections: Leptospirosis, Rat-bite fever, Tularemia, Plague 

ratbitefever #plague #rats ... #treatment #table
Lelli's Test (Lever Sign) for ACL Injury

A fist is placed under the proximal 3rd of the
rises from the table ... rise from the table ... clinical #video #physicalexam ... #sports #msk #orthopedics
Cheyne-Stokes Respirations - Also known as periodic respiration, Cheyne-Stokes (RCS) is a type of central sleep
Cheyne-Stokes (RCS ... growing-decreasing rhythm RCS ... Breathing #Pattern #PhysicalExam
Reduction of Posterior Elbow Dislocation

#Elbow #Dislocation #Reduction #Posterior #clinical #video #msk #sports #orthopedics #physicalexam
clinical #video #msk ... #orthopedics #physicalexam
Thomas' Test for Hip Flexure Contracture

Thomas' Test assesses for hip flexure contracture.
One hip is maximally flexed
rises off the table ... #Contracture #PhysicalExam ... video #sports #msk
Thrombolytics for stroke: The evidence - 
A summary of the evidence for (or against) thrombolytics for
Here is a nice table ... Thrombolysis #Stroke #RCT
Alternatives to opioids for pain management in the emergency department decreases opioid usage and maintains patient
Indications #Pathways #Table ... #MSK #Migraine
Clarke's Test (Patellar Grind Test)

Indicates Patellofemoral dysfunction.
 - Patient with knee in extension. Push posterior on
of patella then ask ... clinical #video #physicalexam ... Patellofemoral #msk
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury seen with positive Anterior Drawer Test

#Anterior #Cruciate #Ligament #ACL #Injury #Drawer #Test
#Drawer #Test #physicalexam ... clinical #video #msk