21 results
Case Fatality Rate (CFR) and R0 of the Novel Coronavirus 2019 compared to other famous contagious
Wuhan #CFR #R0 #RNaught
Reproductive Number (R0 "R Naught") showing how contagious / transmissible a pathogen is.  The R0
Number (R0 "R Naught ... Number #R0 #Ro #RNaught
Male infertility therapy. I was taught much of this information from Phil Boyle, MD @ Neofertility.
I was taught much
Patellar Fracture Injury - Patellar Rupture caught in real-time during an MMA match.

#Patellar #Fracture #Injury #clinical
Patellar Rupture caught
Ventricular Fibrillation caught during Fluoroscopy

Have you seen heart fibrillating due to VF during CAG?! Thanks to
Ventricular Fibrillation caught
Acanthocyte on Urine Microscopy

Not a spaceship, not a UFO, just an acanthocyte caught “flying” in dark
an acanthocyte caught
Traditionally, we have been taught to examine for Kernig’s and Brudzinski’s signs when examining patients with
, we have been taught
In ARDS, we know that the lungs are so diffusely injured that the remaining total area
been classically taught ... stress; we are taught
Epileptic Seizure caught during EEG

#Epilepsy #Seizure #EEG #electroencephalogram #clinical #video #neurology #physicalexam
Epileptic Seizure caught
Ureteral Jet caught on CT

Dr. Marjan Sekej @MarjanSekej

#Ureteral #Jet #CT #bladder #abdominalct #clinical #radiology
Ureteral Jet caught