875 results
Coronary Artery Localization on ECG and POCUS

#Coronary #Artery #Localization #ECG #EKG #Electrocardiogram #Echocardiogram #Diagnosis #Cardiology #Map
Localization #ECG #EKG #Electrocardiogram ... #Echocardiogram ... #Diagnosis #Cardiology
Second Degree Heart Block, Mobitz Type I (Wenckebach)

P waves and QRS complexes are normal but... 
lengthens • Dropped beats ... HeartBlock #Diagnosis #Cardiology ... #EKG #ECG #Electrocardiogram
Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm (AIVR) on EKG
 • Regular rhythm with wide. 
 • QRS complexes >120
ranges from 50-110 beats ... Capture and fusion beats ... AIVR #diagnosis #cardiology ... #EKG #ECG #Electrocardiogram
Myocarditis on Echocardiogram
It is always great to witness the tremendous reversal of severe biventricular dysfunction from
Myocarditis on Echocardiogram ... It is always great ... plax #psax #a4c #Echocardiogram ... #clinical #cardiology
Second Degree Heart Block, Mobitz Type II

• p waves are normal 
• QRS complexes are usually
There are dropped beats ... HeartBlock #Diagnosis #Cardiology ... #EKG #ECG #Electrocardiogram
The Evolution of STEMI ECG Changes 

#STEMI #Evolution #Timeline #EKG #ECG #cardiology #Electrocardiogram
Timeline #EKG #ECG #cardiology ... #Electrocardiogram
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) on Echocardiogram

Another great teaching clip, this time a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA).
Arteriosus (PDA) on Echocardiogram ... Another great ... Arteriosus #PDA #Echocardiogram ... #cardiology #pocus
Bicuspid Aortic Valve on Echocardiogram
Bicuspid Aortic valves (prevalence approx 2%) degenerate more frequently and rapidly (at
Aortic Valve on Echocardiogram ... and rapidly (at least ... #Valve #psax #Echocardiogram ... #clinical #cardiology
Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia (MAT) on EKG
 • Heart rate > 100 bpm (usually 100-150 bpm)
intervals • At-least ... Tachycardia #diagnosis #cardiology ... #EKG #ECG #Electrocardiogram
Inferior STEMI with Reciprocal Changes in Lateral Leads

#Inferior #STEMI #EKG #ECG #cardiology #electrocardiogram #ReciprocalChanges
STEMI #EKG #ECG #cardiology ... #electrocardiogram