4 results
Hepatojugular Reflux (Abdominojugular Test) on Physical Exam

Firm pressure over the liver elicits distension of the jugular
PhysicalExam #clinical #video ... #cardiology #JVP ... #neck #jugular ... #AJR #HJR
Hepatojugular Reflux (Abdominojugular Test) on Physical Exam

Firm pressure over the liver elicits distension of the jugular
PhysicalExam #clinical #video ... #cardiology #JVP ... #neck #jugular ... #HJR #AJR
Quincke's Pulse in a patient with a normal echocardiogram (non-valvular)

A 70 y/o man presents with new
, and elevated JVP ... is identified (video ... state (not always AR ... highest on my differential ... Fingernails #Nailbed #Cardiology
Notice that there are multiple densities in both lungs.
The larger ones are ill-defined and maybe there
maybe there is an air-bronchogram ... with multifocal consolidations ... dealing with the differential ... #Clinical #Radiology ... #CXR #Peripheral