45 results
Cranial Nerve XII - Hypoglossal Nerve - Cross Sectional Nuclei Anatomy
 • Hypoglossal Nerve
 • Hypoglossal
#Hypoglossal #CNXII ... #CN12 #CranialNerve
Tongue Fasciculations Secondary to Hypoglossal Nerve Damage

Most commonly associated with ALS - This LMN XII was
HypoglossalNerve #CNXII ... #CN12 #Neurology
Bilateral LMN palsy with tongue weakness, wasting and fasciculations.  →  Bulbar motor Neuron disease

#hypoglossal #CNXII ... #CN12 #clinical
Physical exam findings of various ocular palsies; image courtesy of the BMJ

R 3rd nerve palsy
R 4th
Palsies #Palsy #CNIII ... #CNIV #CNVI #Neurology
Vagus Nerve - CN10 Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Vagus #Nerve #CN10 #Anatomy #CNX
Vagus Nerve - CN10 ... #Vagus #Nerve #CN10
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome - Herpes Zoster Oticus 
1. Ipsilateral facial paralysis 
2. Ear pain 
3. Vesicles
syndromes #RamsayHunt
Spinal Accessory Cranial Nerve - CN11 - Innervation

By @rev.med

#SAN #Spinal #Accessory #Cranial #Nerve #CN11 #Anatomy #CNXI
Cranial Nerve - CN11 ... Cranial #Nerve #CN11
Bell's Palsy - Facial Nerve Palsy on Exam

#Bells #Palsy #Facial #Nerve #Palsy #CN5 #CNVII #clinical #video
Nerve #Palsy #CN5 #CNVII
Right Oculomotor (CNIII) Palsy caused by Stroke

Dr. Bruno Farnetano @bruno.farnetano

#Oculomotor #CNIII #Palsy #clinical #video #CN3 #clinical
Right Oculomotor (CNIII ... #Oculomotor #CNIII
Bell's Palsy - Facial Nerve Palsy on Exam

#Bells #Palsy #Facial #Nerve #Palsy #CN5 #CNVII #clinical #video
Nerve #Palsy #CN5 #CNVII