1668 results
Forearm Muscles - Anterior Compartment Anatomy
 - Superficial
 - Middle
 - Deep

By @rev.med

#Forearm #Muscles #Anterior #Anatomy
Forearm Muscles ... By @rev.med #Forearm
Some anatomy for the basic forearm radiographs! 

Kevin Cronin @Cronin90Kevin

#forearm #anatomy #xrays #labeled #radiology #msk
for the basic forearm ... Cronin90Kevin #forearm
Bones of the forearm: Posterior Aspect

#Forearm #Anatomy #MSK #anatomy #orthopedics #bones
Bones of the forearm ... Posterior Aspect #Forearm
Monteggia Fracture 
Fracture of proximal ulnar shaft with radial head dislocation. Remember “MUGR” to recall where
Remember “MUGR” to recall ... swollen elbow and forearm ... Monteggia #Fracture #Forearm
Galeazzi Fracture 
Fracture of distal radial shaft with distal radial-ulnar joint disruption. Remember “MUGR” to recall
Remember “MUGR” to recall ... Exam: swollen forearm ... Galeazzi #Fracture #Forearm
Inverted Triceps Reflex 
Triceps reflex testing elicited flexion rather than extension of the forearm. C7 lesion
extension of the forearm ... found on MRI - Neurology ... Triceps #Reflex #neurology
Hemiplegic Gait 

With a hemiplegic gait there is impaired natural swinging at the hip and knee
the leg moves forward ... Hemiplegic #Gait #Neurology
Blood Pressure Management for Neurologic Emergencies
 - SAH 
 - ICH 
 - TBI 
Management for Neurologic ... #CVA #Stroke #Neurology
Neurologic Disorders and Associated Nutritional Deficiences That Complicate Bariatric Surgery, According to Time of Onset 

Neurologic Disorders ... #Nutritional #Neurology
Pity this Giant Pronormoblast from an elderly pt w pure red cell aplasia. In the proper
Pronormoblast #Pure #RedCell